Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm sorry for becoming a ghost, but here's another post!

It’s a lot easier to live the lifestyle you want when you’re surrounded by it. I’m all about natural foods and raw foods, but that doesn’t mean I don’t eat foods that are unhealthy for me. I haven’t been craving them. When I limit the amount of “bad” foods in my fridge it’s a lot easier to maintain. Besides living that lifestyle is so much cheaper than what I’m trying to do (how ironic). As most of you know, a little under two months ago I switched to being a vegetarian and I also started eating a lot more raw foods. I honestly can’t compare how my body felt at that point to any other time in my life. It was like freedom from food for the first time ever. I had to remind myself to eat since I was full of energy and could focus on other things rather than when is my next nap and when is my next meal.

Recently, I haven’t bought any groceries for myself because I spent that money on some material things for summer and for gifts. I have money, but I hate dipping into savings even if it’s just a bit. So, right now my refrigerator and cabinets are filled with someone else’ idea of grocery shopping (no names). I don’t want to eat cookies, sugar soaked cereal, chips, mac n’ cheese, and the like. That sounds weird doesn’t it? Those foods really don’t have as much appeal as they used to, but they’re the only things I’ve got. So, what am I doing? Eating them and it’s further proving to me that those kinds of foods make you want to eat more, make you sleepy and unproductive. It’s kind of sad to say that because at one point I loved eating those things, but now I find myself craving things like avocados, almonds, and fresh bananas. I don’t even want to open my fridge. I never thought I’d feel this way about all of those ‘yummy’ foods I used to love.

However, it’s a good feeling. I’m teaching myself new ways and it’s helping me to feel better inside and out. Don’t get me wrong, I have my share of vegetarian burritos from Chipotle and Artichoke slices (mmm). But, I don’t miss any of those other foods including meat. I’m happy this transition went smoothly. I’ve got to go grocery shopping and soon!

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